uk postcode
uk postcode

Therearecurrently121geographicpostcodeareasinuseintheUKandafurtherthreeoftencombinedwiththesecoveringtheCrownDependenciesofGuernsey, ...,Resultsinplaintext?ListsofRandomPostcodesForOtherUKCities.RandompostcodesinEdinburgh·RandompostcodesinGlasgow...

UK Postal code


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List of postcode areas in the United Kingdom

There are currently 121 geographic postcode areas in use in the UK and a further three often combined with these covering the Crown Dependencies of Guernsey, ...

List Random Postcodes

Results in plain text? Lists of Random Postcodes For Other UK Cities. Random postcodes in Edinburgh · Random postcodes in Glasgow · Random postcodes in London.

Postcode & Address Finder for UK

Find up to 50 UK postcodes or addresses a day free with our Postcode and Address Finder. Use our simple tool to find business or house addresses and ...

Postcode Finder - Find an address

... UK parcels and letters. Special Delivery Guaranteed by 9am · Special Delivery ... Find an address. Type a part of address or postcode to begin. Postcode. You have ...

Postcodes in the United Kingdom

Postal codes used in the United Kingdom, British Overseas Territories and Crown dependencies are known as postcodes (originally, postal codes).

Free UK postcode lookup API and datasets. Search, validate and reverse geocode postcodes. An open sourced project by Ideal Postcodes.

UK Postal code

Lookup Postcode - Zip Code - Postal Code of Address, Place, City in UK. Find Postcode by address or by point on map. Show address, point on map.

UK Postcodes

A full list of UK postcodes with longitude and latitude and area descriptions, also available as CSV and KML.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom - postal codes ; 181, Camden Town, NW1 ; 51.541/-0.143 ; 182, Marylebone, NW1 ; 51.525/-0.168.


Therearecurrently121geographicpostcodeareasinuseintheUKandafurtherthreeoftencombinedwiththesecoveringtheCrownDependenciesofGuernsey, ...,Resultsinplaintext?ListsofRandomPostcodesForOtherUKCities.RandompostcodesinEdinburgh·RandompostcodesinGlasgow·RandompostcodesinLondon.,Findupto50UKpostcodesoraddressesadayfreewithourPostcodeandAddressFinder.Useoursimpletooltofindbusinessorhouseaddressesand .....